Monday, January 30, 2012


This is meant to be a constantly WIP post containing the topic tree which would be expanded in subsequent posts:

  1. Big Data
  2. User Experience
    1. Common
    2. Touch
    3. Surface Computing
  3. Compliance
    1. USA
      1. Dodd Frank
      2. Volcker
      3. FATCA
  4. Services
    1. Payment Gateways
    2. Master Data Management

Saturday, January 28, 2012


I started with COSL (Citicorp Overseas Software Limited) in Mumbai in Feb 1989.

I started doing a securities processing system for Citibank in Amsterdam. In the intervening years I spent many years in Japan, UK, India, and the US.  It has been decades now and the diversity has been increasing. Some trends that I see now include:

  1. Technology has become far more central in modern financial practice in terms of scale, reach, portability, speed, and complexity
  2. Finance has been inventing itself in drastic ways muddling through a variety of crises and challenges
  3. Finance has grown in developing countries in a far bigger way than we used to know in the 80s and 90s
  4. There have been many regulatory changes both liberal and of oversight
  5. Many organizations have changed beyond recognition due to global mergers and acquisitions
Given the growing complexity I find the need to keep in touch increasing at a rapid pace. This task is daunting and I need to keep notes (with my failing memory now!).

I thought it would be good to share these notes with anyone who would care to notice.

So this is the broad agenda. Despite plenty of grey hair I must humbly dispel any notion or claim to expertise. I do have some opinions and ideas which I would jot down here 'as is'